Sally Jadlow Comments 0 Comment
I don’t know when or if there is a national beekeeping day, but beekeeping was one of those things on my bucket list, but as I hit 80 I thought that would be one thing that would be left in my bucket, unrealized. My dad and I kept bees in my younger years. We marketed it under the name “Uncle Hank’s Honey.”
Then this spring some dear friends offered me a hive and I took them up on their offer.
My son, Josh and I check them regularly. So far, they have laid in a good store for themselves in the hive. Now we wait to see if they will make any in the top portion of the hive for us to rob. There are still a few good months for honey production so we’re still hoping we’ll get some for us.
Do you have any unrealized things on your bucket list?
Sally Jadlow writes historical fiction, inspirational articles, poetry, and short stories. She teaches the beginning writers for Kansas City Writers Group. Her books are available at https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B007F5H0H4