A New Way to Think of Christmas?

What Does Christmas Mean to YOU?

As a Christian, I’ve always thought of Christmas as the birthday of Jesus, the beloved Son of God. Easter has always meant that Jesus laid down his life for all of our sins so that believers can be reconciled with God. So, while Christmas has always been a joyful celebration and Easter a more somber time of reflection, another blogger introduced me to a new thought.

In reality, Jesus voluntarily left the heavens where he enjoyed multitudes of angels’ praise, comfort, and fellowship with God the Father. He left that glorious place to come to earth, not as a king, but as a human baby born in a meager stable. He experienced life on earth in a human body as Emmanuel — God With Us.

He grew up, performed miracles, and taught us how to live. His disciples recorded these truths in the Bible: God’s letter to us, which comforts and teaches us, and is for our benefit. Christmas is the beginning of his substitutional payment for our sins. Easter is the finishing of this work. 

How Much Love He Has For Us!


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