Connecting people and places one chapter at a time!

Welcome to Of Books and Nooks, a place for readers to come together and explore books and more. Today, we might be sharing a recipe from a favorite fictional sleuth. Researching an exotic setting for a new romance. Taking an imaginary journey. Or we might be taking a break from writing and spending some time in the garden or curled up with our latest read.

We’re a group of authors who write a variety of genres and read a little bit of everything. Join us as we read, write, garden, cook, travel, and observe the world around us. We’re parents and grandparents, artists, lawyers, librarians, and small business owners, who love to share stories, books we love, ideas, and inspiration!

“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”

C.S. Lewis

Recent Snippets

It’s a book birthday!

Hi everyone! Today, I’m excited to announce I have a new book release! Sunset Ledge, a contemporary romance published by The Wild Rose Press, features a few of the lovable characters from my sweet romance The Story Between Us. Here’s the book blurb: Jack Armstrong…

Loving these signs of spring!

Woo-hoo! Here in Kansas City, we had a beautiful, warm weekend, and all the bulbs hibernating underground loved it! It’s so exciting to see the colors burst out of the ground. Seriously, this makes me smile and improves my mood. I despise winter, so to…

A Remarkable Story

This memoir “The Chicken Who Saved Us” by Kristin Jarvis Adams is an account of a remarkable mother who never gave up on an autistic son. It’s a great read. I find her descriptions and detail very compelling and engaging.

Just 56 Days!

Everywhere you turn, you hear of frozen pipes, cars in ditches from icy roads, and caution to get your animals inside from the frigid cold this winter. With all this in mind, I wrote a poem called Winter Blech. Winter Blech!Bare trees.All gone dormant.Plants reside…

Slow start but worth the read

3.5 stars — I ended up liking the book overall, but it was a very slow read. The author had an interesting approach intertwining the story with productions of Thornton Wilder’s play Our Town. There was one flashback scene toward the end that felt unnecessary…

A Great Lotion Recipe

A few years ago, a friend gave me a home made jar of this stuff. It’s great for dry skin in winter. I’ve used it ever since. I thought you might like to make some yourself. Here’s the recipe. You can get all the stuff…